Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The FCC as a PR Partner?

This post claims that the FCC does more good than bad for those whom it punishes, such as Howard Stern. The free PR it generates for the amount of money they fine is a great deal. In other words it would cost far more to pay for the attention you get than the fines cost.

New Millennium Blog Post:I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for the ‘ludity’ and crudity of the nudity at our business Web site in a vile attempt to attract the FCC so that we might be forced to apologize to the entire world. It is uncalled for, a partial wardrobe error, and we’re very sorry to you the viewing community and to our ten thousand existing customers and when we have shareholders at ActivSoftware (http://www.activsoftware.com), we’ll be VERY sorry to them as well.

- Source: Mark Cuban’s Blog Maverick
- New Millennium Minds


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